What I learned from building a chat project with sockets.io and React
August 24, 2022 • 3 min read
A few days ago I’ve built a React application with socket.io. It’s a chat app.
*Sidenote: The repo and youtube video will be at the down of the article. Now, when you’ll see it you may ask a few questions like, “why didn’t use any DB or firebase?” or something. Well, is simple I had 3 main reasons:
My experience let me to that, is not like I couldn’t implement firebase or MongoDB (because I love mongo) or any DB
I wanted a minimal app, and if someone finds my code usefully it can take it and implement which DB wants or any backend architecture
It was a Lil bit simple to do it with DB and a little bit overkill at the same time to use that
Anyway, getting back on rails. In the progress, I was developing features like emojis, showing when another user is typing, set usernames and so on, I noticed that on a lot of messages my app starts to be kinda slow and do some lag spikes.
Of course, as every React Developer does, I start to throw memoization. I used callbacks that didn’t help a lot because I had almost all of the state at the root of the app and I basically killed the memoization; it was doing the shallow comparisons for props, but when any prop was changing, the other components were changing (basic logic, right? Right) so I started to refactor all the app.
*Ups, sidenote again:
Yes, I didn’t use any state management because I didn’t want to. Again, if someone wants to take the code, it could implement which state management he wants like Redux, Context, or maybe MobX (didn’t try this one, maybe I will in someday 🤔).
After all, the refactor, yes it was a little bit better - but on a lot of messages it was still spiking.
The memoization and callbacks were in place, the refactor was there, I just finished a few seconds ago. But what was the issue?
Well, after some I did some search on Google, and I found an article with a developer who had the same issue. One and the awarded response was to use socket.off into the cleanup function of useEffect. After I tried this one, all the apps worked like a charm.
Here’s an example code:
useEffect(() => {
socket.once('chat', (data: messagesStateTypeWithMessageStateType) => {
setMessages([...messages, data]);
messageRef?.current?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
return () => {
}, [messages, setMessages]);
So the point of the story is:
Is fine to open things, but remember to close them after you finish.
Thanks for reading,
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Until next time, don’t forget to close things after you finish you use them.